Member since 25-Apr-08
Visitors 62373
25746 photos, 64 videos

Welcome, and thank you for looking into my photography.

You will discover a photographic omnivore with varied interests.

But my main passion and focus is to show authentic people in extraordinary situations. That is what really makes my heart beat faster.

Click on the folder of any group to see what galleries and images are inside.

For optimal viewing, use the slideshow feature at high speed against a black background, with transitions.

You can contact me by e-mail with the "SEND MESSAGE" option (see below under "Contact Info"), if you have any question about my photography or for inquiries about ordering professional prints.

Please respect copyright.

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Featured Galleries & Collections

Event: Waldfest Tegernsee, Jul 2019

Visitors 98
49 photos
Created 14-Dec-23
Modified 14-Dec-23
Event: Waldfest Tegernsee, Jul 2019

Concert: Johnny Marr Call The Comet Tour, Nov-Dec 2018

Visitors 80
78 photos
Created 5-Nov-23
Modified 5-Nov-23
Concert: Johnny Marr Call The Comet Tour, Nov-Dec 2018

Travel: Scotland 4.0 (North Highlands & Orkneys) preview, Apr-May 2022

Visitors 17
458 items
Created 28-Mar-24
Modified 28-Mar-24
Travel: Scotland 4.0 (North Highlands & Orkneys) preview, Apr-May 2022

Industry: Boucle Noire à Charleroi, May 2018

Visitors 235
50 photos
Created 12-Feb-24
Modified 12-Feb-24
Industry: Boucle Noire à Charleroi, May 2018

Travel: Tamil Nadu & Kerala, Jan 2017

Visitors 82
168 photos
Created 27-Mar-24
Modified 27-Mar-24
Travel: Tamil Nadu & Kerala, Jan 2017

Docu: Palio - Una Settimana A Siena (Jul 2016)

Visitors 552
354 photos
Created 27-Sep-23
Modified 27-Sep-23
Docu: Palio - Una Settimana A Siena (Jul 2016)

How Trees Are Made (Etc.), Jul 2019

Visitors 49
31 photos
Created 5-Nov-23
Modified 5-Nov-23
How Trees Are Made (Etc.), Jul 2019

People: Napoli Processions, Mar 2018

Visitors 61
41 photos
Created 25-Oct-23
Modified 25-Oct-23
People: Napoli Processions, Mar 2018

Travel: Napoli & Costiera Amalfitana, Mar 2018

Visitors 121
168 photos
Created 29-Sep-23
Modified 29-Sep-23
Travel: Napoli & Costiera Amalfitana, Mar 2018

Docu: Circus Life pt III, Oct 2015

Visitors 1054
180 photos
Created 27-Sep-23
Modified 27-Sep-23
Docu: Circus Life pt III, Oct 2015

Street: Malta in 52 B&Ws, Dec 2014-Jan 2015

Visitors 146
52 photos
Created 5-Nov-23
Modified 5-Nov-23
Street: Malta in 52 B&Ws, Dec 2014-Jan 2015

People: Maren & François, Sep 2012

Visitors 625
167 photos
Created 25-Oct-23
Modified 25-Oct-23
People: Maren & François, Sep 2012

Sports: Antwerp Boxing Gala, Nov 2014

Visitors 674
144 photos
Created 5-Nov-23
Modified 5-Nov-23
Sports: Antwerp Boxing Gala, Nov 2014

Docu: Auschwitz & Birkenau, Jul 2014

Visitors 530
64 photos
Created 29-Sep-23
Modified 29-Sep-23
Docu: Auschwitz & Birkenau, Jul 2014

Travel: SW-USA pt1, Jul 2013

Visitors 506
164 photos
Created 14-Dec-23
Modified 14-Dec-23
Travel: SW-USA pt1, Jul 2013

Recently Added

Job: Reisgids Borgerhout, Aug-Oct 2021

Visitors 5
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Modified 18-Jul-24
Job: Reisgids Borgerhout, Aug-Oct 2021

Job: 500HS Antwerp update, Jul 2024

Visitors 0
87 photos
Created 18-Jul-24
Modified 18-Jul-24
Job: 500HS Antwerp update, Jul 2024

DPR & DPRevived Wed C&C: My images up for C&C

Visitors 536
1317 photos
Created 17-Jul-24
Modified 17-Jul-24
DPR  & DPRevived Wed C&C: My images up for C&C

Art: Brussels Museums, Apr 2012 & Jul 2015

Visitors 35
87 photos
Created 19-Jun-24
Modified 19-Jun-24
Art: Brussels Museums, Apr 2012 & Jul 2015

Docu: Vietnam Agriculture, Apr 2010

Visitors 295
59 photos
Created 19-Jun-24
Modified 19-Jun-24
Docu: Vietnam Agriculture, Apr 2010

Docu: Soccer Final in Palermo, Jul 2012

Visitors 129
35 photos
Created 19-Jun-24
Modified 19-Jun-24
Docu: Soccer Final in Palermo, Jul 2012

Art: Five Car Stud (Kienholz), Aug 2018

Visitors 2
30 photos
Created 19-Jun-24
Modified 19-Jun-24
Art: Five Car Stud (Kienholz), Aug 2018

Event: De Quaeye Werelt - After Hours, Jun 2017

Visitors 339
211 photos
Created 10-Jun-24
Modified 10-Jun-24
Event: De Quaeye Werelt - After Hours, Jun 2017

All Photographs


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1632 photos


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Modified 27-Apr-22
5323 photos


Galleries 18
Modified 20-Nov-18
991 photos


Galleries 19
Modified 5-Nov-23
1179 photos


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Galleries 4
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105 photos


Galleries 3
Modified 14-Mar-21
66 photos


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Modified 3-Nov-18
315 photos


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Modified 14-Nov-10
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Modified 15-May-16
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Modified 28-Sep-15
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Guestbook for Roel Hendrickx
Walter Simba Eduardo Duarte Macueia(non-registered)
nice to see your work on zenfolio too !!! :) you're an awesome photographer.
Ravi Mathur(non-registered)
Very nice photos Roel, I will be sharing with friends on email.
Will look out for your Facebook page, and thanks for taking our pictures which have come out lovely!
All the best wishes.
Dear Anton,

Please use the "send message" option (to the left, under my photo and bio).
It opens your email and sends your message to my gmail address).
Hhat's easier for conversations thst go beyond comnents on my website or images.
Talk to you soon via that channel.
PS the book is "Ready Player One"
Cheers, Roel
Anton Shtemenko(non-registered)
Dear Roel,

Felt like I must do a quick follow-up after our, no doubt about it, fortuitous encounter.
It's me - the guy from the bridge.

I've totally forgot the name of the book you recommended, so cold you please send it to me?
I'm stating my primary email in the form.

The one I've been talking about is "We" by
Please find a translation by Clarence Brown as it the most 'authentic' one.
Quite a remarkable utopia it is. Hope you'll enjoy it.

Also hope that we will get a chance to see each other once again and please fell absolutely free to contact me any time you intend to visit UK, Spain, Portugal, Vietnam, Malaysia or Russia as I can provide you with decent recommendations along with contacts.

It was really nice meeting you,

All the best to you and your family,

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