This was an experiment to investigate whether years of digital photography have turned me into a machine-gun shooter who relies on
quantity to achieve quality ?
(On a typical photography outing, I shoot a lot more frames than I ultimately keep. Mileage varies, depending on the circumstances.)
I wanted to know whether I could still go out with a camera and one roll of analog film, and then expose (aperture priority), compose and perform manual focus properly, control my timing and return with some decent shots.
So I took my Olympus Om2n (with 50mmF1.8 and 135mmF3.5 prime lenses), loaded a roll of Kodak T-Max 400 B&W film and went to Park Spoor Noord for the summer's end celebrations.
This gallery includes ALL the shots that I returned home with : 37 frames from one single roll of film, presented here in shooting order.
A mix of wide scenes, portraits and some action.
I include the keepers and also the duds.
(Focus is not always in the most obvious place, but sometimes that was intentional.)The scans were done by my lab and resulted in JPGs of around 1 Mb each, so not really impressive quality.
I did some PP in Lightroom, but nothing that could not have been done in the analog wet darkroom.
I mean : some dodging and burning, contrast enhancement and a minor crop or tilt in a few shots. Also a bit of vignetting on two images.
That's it. No cloning or other complex, image-altering interventions.
I enjoyed the experience of going back to film for a day. I hope you enjoy the results.
Some more images from the same day, but shot with my digital Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3 are included in another gallery, under "STREET". Here : C
omparison can be striking.Of the LX3 shots, I selected and PP-ed 14 keepers from a total of 21 shots made. No real machine-gunning there either.