This gallery contains two parts.
First, 8 pages and double page spreads are shown from an upcoming book "Schoten in Beeld", for which I contributed a couple dozen photographs.
The book is an evocation in texts and images of the rich past and the very active present of my hometown Schoten near Antwerp in Belgium.
My contribution includes the cover image, which is intended to be a modern recapturing (same focal length, same vantage point) of a 1949 photograph showing the main Castle of Schoten.
Other contributed photos depict landmarks and sights, but also some portraits of famous inhabitants, shots from events et cetera.
The second section of the gallery, is a broader selection of images that I submitted and from which the final selection was made by the authors and editing team.
The book will be presented officially on December 1, 2009. More information can be foudn and/or orders can be placed through